
This page contains a list of businesses in the Westhill and Elrick area (see below). For more information about the enterprise, click the name shown. Please note, information on Local Links pages is supplied by third parties and published by WECC in good faith.

If you are a business based in the AB32 postcode area, and would like to be considered for free inclusion on our Businesses page, just send an email to with the name of your business, a short summary of the service you offer, and how people can get in touch.

Please note, you must provide a note of where your business is based, including a postcode.

Have you considered advertising in the Westhill Bulletin? It reaches thousands of local homes. For more information, click here.

Revolutionary IT

IT support; CCTV; domain setup and management; remote support; computer servicing, upgrades, and maintenance. For website, click here. Contact Chris Brown on 07773 327 026.

Dog walking/sitting service

Dog walking and sitting services. By the hour or all day if need be. Based in Westhill. For rates and more information, email